
Engineering and Environmental Protection in Agriculture

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According to the curriculum, for the major Engineering and Environmental Protection in Agriculture,there are 270 prectice hours established per Bachelor cycle, distributed as follows:

*30 hours equals a week of practice

The topics of the Practice subject pertaining to the major Engineering and Environmental Protection in Agriculture are constantly revised and improved, so as to completely answer the specialization curriculum requirements and the students’ needs to acquire knowledge and practice in the specific field of environmental engineering, adapted to the current legal requirements and the latest equipment in the field. Activities lead to acquiring experience necessary to the environmental specialist. Thus, practice hours are correlated with field and speciality disciplines foreseen in the curriculum for each year of study, being coordinatined and guided by teachers responsible for the development of practice activities.

Studenþii din anul I realizeazã practica de Analizã a factorilor de mediu, în care participã la recoltarea (în teren), determinarea (în laboratoare) ºi interpretarea factorilor de mediu (apã, sol, vegetaþie) analizaþi. Tot în aceastã practicã, îºi formeazã deprinderi ºi în ceea ce priveºte utilizarea aparatelor de mãsurã ºi control pentru principalele fenomene ºi procese meteorologice. De asemenea utilizeazã determinatoarele pentru identificarea principalelor specii de plante ºi animale, precum ºi cunoaºterea morfologiei, biologiei, ecologiei ºi sistematicii acestora. p1
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In the second year of study, students attend a practice of Ecology and Environmental Protection, with the following stages: - identifying pollution sources and specific pollutants generated by them; - possibilitieas for spreading polluting factors in the environment;

  • Proposing optimal solutions for their management in accordance with environmentalrequirements;
  • Managing and neutralizing any type of waste;
  • Limiting the negative impact on the environment and respecting the concept of sustainable development;
  • managing waters, designing, undertaking and exploiting water supplying and sewage works;
  • nature preservation.

All these are closely related to the main national and European regulations regarding the sustainable maintenance and preservation of invaluable values of the Roamnian natural patrimony.

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Environmental quality assessment, through activities in the main institutions and units in the field located in the western part of the country, takes place in the 3 rd year. These practices take place under practice conventions signed by our university–faculty and institutions or units acting in the field of engineering and environmental protection. Students, during the practice, participate in study and documentation trips in the field, in the country, or even abroad, which include many interesting objectives achieved in the field of the environment.
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During the 4 th year practice, under the guidance of coordinating teachers, students carry out the practice for the elaboration of the diploma project according to the editing guide. This activity is based on studies, research, experiences and results obtained in the previous years, while attending scientific circles for the respective subjects.

Teacher responsible for the practice at the I.P.M.A. major
Senior lecturor Phd eng. Bãghinã Narcis
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Practica studenteasca in unitatile de profil

p1Administratia Bazinala de Apa Banat p1Administratia Bazinala de Apa Banat
p1Administratia Bazinala de Apa Banat p1Administratia Bazinala de Apa Banat
p1Administratia Bazinala de Apa Banat p1Agentia pentru protectia mediului Timis
p1Agentia pentru protectia mediului Timis p1Procter&Gamble Timisoara
p1Procter&Gamble Timisoara p1Retim Ecologic Service S.A.
Telefon 0256 277 007
Calea Aradului nr.119, 300645 Timisoara, jud. Timis, Romania
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